Monday, March 19, 2012

New Izannah Doll

Hi, I hope everyone is doing good. the warm weather is here and it makes more work. I made this doll awhile back, but have been working on her hair and coloring. I think I now am satisfied with how she looks. I haven't picked out a dress color yet, but have some good choices. I am finally getting a handle on the curls. I finally know how to do them.  Hooray for me. It has been such a struggle. I also have been working on some small IW's. They are about 11 3/4" tall. I have had to redo alot of parts, because they were to small or to thin, but I think they are coming along. They are alot of trouble, but the big ones are too. I hope we all will have a good summer to continue our doll making. Time is the main thing we need and not to give up, but to continue on, even when we don't seem to be able to make the dolls we want to. We can make them, We can make them, We can make them. Never give up!!!!


  1. Yes we CAN make them. And yes, they're a lot of trouble, big or small, but they're SOOOO worth it. :~) Yay for you and the curls, and this doll is just as special as all your dolls.
    Look forward to seeing her new duds.

  2. Thanks Jan. I wrote this because I thought about not trying to make the dolls anymore. It seemed like everybody else was having better luck, and making better dolls, but it's hard for me to quit on things, so I determined to keep on working. I do enjoy it so much.
