Friday, November 29, 2013

Josette and Rag Sweeties

  Here is a picture of Josette. Who I have temporarily named after the true love of Barnabas Collins in Dark Shadows. I remember the TV show when I was in school and Josette was a beautiful brunette who I never forgot. There is a little problem with her. Can you see it? If it doesn't draw your attention right away, I think in time you would see that her right eye is a little to far to the right. I think in Izannah's time, this would be one of those Judgement calls, unless the eye mold was not fixable but had to be painted in the wrong place, which I think happened in lots of her dolls. The mold set the eye in the face and there was not any where else to move it or correct it with a little paint. The molds were usually pretty deep in the eye sockets or protruded out a lot, so the eye had to go where the mold placed it, however, I can manipulate mine some. I can move it over a titch. I have in fact already moved it once. Because , to me she is so pretty and moving the eye is some trouble, I have been debating if I really need to do this, as all dolls have some flaws. Is this what you would call a flaw that is within acceptable limits? A lot of dolls have problems, and it has to be decided if the problem is there, but not so distracting to the doll to warrant a re-do. I have already made my decision. I will of course go back and move the eye over a little. I guess this is a flaw that does not fall with in those acceptable limits to me. Happily, I am satisfied with all her other pieces and parts. In this post, I included some pictures of  some rag dolls that have painted faces. Their painting is not finished, except in the case of the middle doll. I am through painting and now have to finish out the doll and clothes. The other two need more work, more stain, more styling and more touch-ups. These rag dolls are more work than previous dolls like this I made, as with their painted heads, this calls for a body suit, different hands and feet with stitching, and I hope a fine dress for each with a high collar. The hard part has been putting a face on. You can look at other photos, which I did, but ultimately, the face has to just develop, probably, in  a way you hadn't anticipated. this is the case in all three of these dolls. They have been fun though, and I have several more black ones to do, which I will have to stumble through to arrive at a good face on them.


  1. Hi Martha, I saw these beauties over at Maida. I love them all. I personally am having a hard time seeing the problem with the eye. She looks perfect to me. I can't wait to see them finished.

  2. Martha, I am really having trouble seeing much of a problem with the eye. I think I would leave this beautiful girl as is and make her a pretty dress. So, did you skip the turkey this year and, instead, play with Josette and the Rag Sweeties (and they are sweeties, for sure). Good for you either way, and hope you had a great day!

  3. I love your izzies sooo much--I will have to get you to make me one next year --gorgeous :) xxx

  4. Martha, to me the primary placement markers for the eyes are how far from the bridge of the nose they this case, it's really just about right, from what I can see. Your rag babies are incredible. When I grow up I want to be able to paint like you. :~D

  5. It must be one of thse artistic things....I see nothing wrong with her eyes either! She looks wonderful to me!

  6. I think the eyes are fine. I love the painted faces of the rag dolls. Looking forward to seeing them with there clothes.
